When Debbie de La Fontaine tries to spice up her love life by supernaturally tampering with her sex life, she is cursed to spend every future encounter in a magical place called "Sex Hell," where the sex is ludicrous and amazing but the romance is scarce.
Her only chance for escape is through the stingy clues supplied by an obnoxious demon, and the only way to obtain the clues is by returning to Sex Hell again and again to have outrageous sexcapades with the man she most wants to avoid - or does she?
*This book contains profanity and adult situations*
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"If you're looking for something wildly out of the ordinary, Sex Hell is right up your alley... Take it to the beach where you won't be afraid to laugh out loud." - The Hungry Monster Book Review
"The book was over the top, but that's what made it so funny! I'm talking laugh-out-loud funny! It's absurd and hilarious and involves silly sex scenes - a great read for those looking to read something off the not-so-serious side of relationships and sex." - Book Fidelity
"If you're looking for an absurd paranormal love story that has flawed characters, funny sidekicks, dumbass villains and sexy role playing ideas then this is an entertaining read you won't want to miss." - I'm A Voracious Reader
"...do yourself a solid and grab this book, quick! You'll be happy that you did." - Hogwash
"It's fun, absurd, and just plain weird at times, but if you like that kind of stuff then you will like this book." - Oh My Aslan
“…one of the strangest antagonists ever, but considering all the sex, violence, and demons, the tone is incredibly light and fluffy. It’s a fun read, and that’s all that matters.” - Loganbruin
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